- Experience
- 뜻: 경험
- 예시: Traveling abroad was a life-changing experience.
- Challenge
- 뜻: 도전
- 예시: She faced a challenge when starting her new job.
- Discover
- 뜻: 발견하다
- 예시: They discovered a hidden talent during the workshop.
- Opportunity
- 뜻: 기회
- 예시: This internship offers a great opportunity to learn.
- Inspire
- 뜻: 영감을 주다
- 예시: Her story inspired many people to pursue their dreams.
- Motivate
- 뜻: 동기를 부여하다
- 예시: Good leaders know how to motivate their team.
- Communicate
- 뜻: 의사소통하다
- 예시: It’s important to communicate clearly in a team.
- Research
- 뜻: 연구
- 예시: She is conducting research on climate change.
- Adapt
- 뜻: 적응하다
- 예시: It’s essential to adapt to new environments.
- Achieve
- 뜻: 달성하다
- 예시: He worked hard to achieve his goals.
- Improve
- 뜻: 개선하다
- 예시: I want to improve my speaking skills.
- Impact
- 뜻: 영향
- 예시: The new policy had a significant impact on the community.
- Collaborate
- 뜻: 협력하다
- 예시: They decided to collaborate on the project.
- Persevere
- 뜻: 인내하다
- 예시: She had to persevere through many challenges.
- Innovate
- 뜻: 혁신하다
- 예시: Companies must innovate to stay competitive.
- Contribute
- 뜻: 기여하다
- 예시: Everyone can contribute to a positive work environment.
- Evaluate
- 뜻: 평가하다
- 예시: It’s important to evaluate your progress regularly.
- Implement
- 뜻: 실행하다
- 예시: The team will implement the new strategy next month.
- Influence
- 뜻: 영향을 미치다
- 예시: Social media can influence public opinion.
- Reflect
- 뜻: 반영하다 / 되돌아보다
- 예시: It’s good to reflect on your experiences.
- Succeed
- 뜻: 성공하다
- 예시: She succeeded in her career after many years of hard work.
- Vision
- 뜻: 비전
- 예시: The company has a clear vision for the future.
- Strategy
- 뜻: 전략
- 예시: We need a better strategy to reach our goals.
- Negotiate
- 뜻: 협상하다
- 예시: They were able to negotiate a better deal.
- Prioritize
- 뜻: 우선순위를 정하다
- 예시: You should prioritize your tasks for the day.
- Facilitate
- 뜻: 용이하게 하다
- 예시: The manager will facilitate the meeting.
- Revise
- 뜻: 수정하다
- 예시: I need to revise my essay before submitting it.
- Sustain
- 뜻: 지속하다
- 예시: It’s important to sustain our efforts over time.
- Diverse
- 뜻: 다양한
- 예시: Our team is made up of diverse backgrounds.
- Engage
- 뜻: 참여하다 / 끌어들이다
- 예시: It’s crucial to engage the audience during the presentation.
- Enhance
- 뜻: 향상시키다
- 예시: The new software will enhance productivity.
- Determine
- 뜻: 결정하다
- 예시: We need to determine the best course of action.
- Navigate
- 뜻: 길을 찾다 / 조종하다
- 예시: She can navigate through difficult situations easily.
- Articulate
- 뜻: 분명히 표현하다
- 예시: He was able to articulate his thoughts clearly.
- Anticipate
- 뜻: 예상하다
- 예시: We can anticipate challenges in the project.
- Foster
- 뜻: 촉진하다
- 예시: The program aims to foster creativity in students.
- Utilize
- 뜻: 활용하다
- 예시: We should utilize our resources wisely.
- Cultivate
- 뜻: 키우다 / 양성하다
- 예시: It’s important to cultivate good relationships.
- Generate
- 뜻: 생성하다
- 예시: The new policy will generate more revenue.
- Transform
- 뜻: 변화시키다
- 예시: The technology has transformed the way we communicate.
- Correlate
- 뜻: 상관관계를 나타내다
- 예시: Studies show that exercise correlates with better health.
- Accumulate
- 뜻: 축적하다
- 예시: Over the years, he managed to accumulate a large collection of books.
- Assert
- 뜻: 주장하다
- 예시: She asserted her opinion during the meeting.
- Facilitate
- 뜻: 쉽게 하다
- 예시: Good communication can facilitate understanding.
- Manifest
- 뜻: 나타나다
- 예시: His talent began to manifest at a young age.
- Reinforce
- 뜻: 강화하다
- 예시: The coach wanted to reinforce teamwork among the players.
- Substantiate
- 뜻: 입증하다
- 예시: She was able to substantiate her claims with evidence.
- Clarify
- 뜻: 명확히 하다
- 예시: Can you clarify your point further?
- Prioritize
- 뜻: 우선순위를 정하다
- 예시: We must prioritize our tasks to meet the deadline.
- Exemplify
- 뜻: 예를 들어 설명하다
- 예시: This case exemplifies the importance of teamwork.
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